
Today I Learned

How to add a script tag inside a Laravel Blade template

Sometimes you may need to add a little bit of javascript inside a Laravel Blade template. The proper way to do that is to use Laravel's @stack directive:

First, you need to add a @stack on the parent page or the layout:

<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>

Then you need to @push the respective script on the page you need it on.

  console.log('do something in js')

How use Laravel's Bootable Eloquent Traits

Given the following bootable trait:

trait WithCreator
    //no need to define a 'boot' method
    public static function bootWithCreator()
class CreatorObserver
    public function creating($model)

We can use it to register the observer without colliding with existing boot methods inside the model.

class Comment extends Model
    use HasFactory;
    use WithCreator;
    public static function boot()

How to use factories to create relationships which follow a sequence

Factories an extremely useful tool for testing. The more complex the use case, the more awesome you find out Laravel factories are.

For instance, we might need to create a few items, each one with a different measurement of its own:

    ->has(Measurement::factory()->state(new Sequence(
        ['length' => 50, "width" => 110],
        ['length' => 65, "width" => 200],
        ['length' => 190, "width" => 295],

This will result in 3 items, each item having one unique measurement assigned. The first item will have a measurement with values corresponding to the first array in the sequence and so on.

How to set default attribute values for Laravel models

The problem:

Given the following schema:

 Schema::create('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {

We when we create a new post:

$post = new Post(["title" => "test"]);

we might expect the 'number_of_hits' to be 0, but it is null.

The solution:

To fix this, we can easily tell Laravel what default values we want for the model attributes:

class Post extends Model
   protected $attributes = [
        'number_of_hits' => 0,