Git doesn't recognize renamed files on a case insensitive file system

I didn't understand why git did not recognize the renamed files, also deployment build was failing due to these changes.

My initial file name was "Advanced-Menu", I changed the file name, to "advanced-menu" and committed the changes.

The actual problem is that the macOS file system is case insensitive, therefore if you rename a file on macOS, changing only the case, git will not see the changes.

In order to fix it you have to set your git repository to be case insensitive by issuing:

git config core.ignorecase false

and rename the file using `git mv`:

git mv Advanced-Menu advanced-menu

Commit your changes. That's all. 

You could also set this change globally to prevent future issues:

git config --global  core.ignorecase false

Narcis Cosma
07 Jan 2022
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