How to validate your password with regex

## Example password validation regex
- rules below can be concatenated 


### Special character matching
- Matches (operator is `?=`) any string that has at least a special character e.g.: `sadsds@asdasd`

### Number matching
- Matches (operator is `?=`) any string that has at least a number: e.g.: `s1adsdsasdasd`

### Small letter matching
- Matches (operator is `?=`) any string that has at least a small letter: e.g.: `SADSa`

### Big letter matching
- Matches (operator is `?=`) any string that has at least a big letter: e.g.: `SADSa`

### Consecutive numbers matching
- Doesn't match (operator is `?!`) strings that have consecutive numbers in them: e.g.: asdasd42dada

### Sequential numbers matching (cannot be used at the same time with previous rule)
- Doesn't match (operator is `?!`) strings that have sequential numbers in them: e.g.: 12asdasd42dada
- It will allow numbers that are separated by other letters e.g.: adasd1asd2asd3
- It will allow consecutive numbers e.g.: ahadADS22dhsg44

### Length of string matching (should be placed last)
- This will match any string that is less than 8 characters

Zeno Popovici
27 Aug 2019
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