TIL: How to Quickly Check Which AWS Regions Support SES Using a Bash Script

Although it has improved lately for some services, AWS is still notoriously unfriendly when it comes to checking which services are activated and running across different regions. Here's a script you can run in the console to quickly see which regions have SES (Simple Email Service) available:

for region in $(aws ec2 describe-regions --query "Regions[].RegionName" --output text); do
    echo "Checking SES in region: $region"
    if output=$(aws ses get-send-quota --region $region 2>&1); then
        echo "SES is active in region: $region"
        echo "$output"
        echo "SES is not available in region: $region"
    echo "---------------------------------------"

This script loops through all AWS regions and checks if SES is running in each one, giving you a quick and easy overview of SES availability.

The output: 

Checking SES in region: us-east-1
SES is active in region: us-east-1
    "Max24HourSend": 50000.0,
    "MaxSendRate": 14.0,
    "SentLast24Hours": 0.0
Checking SES in region: us-west-1
SES is not available in region: us-west-1
Checking SES in region: eu-west-1
SES is active in region: eu-west-1
    "Max24HourSend": 50000.0,
    "MaxSendRate": 10.0,
    "SentLast24Hours": 0.0

Nick Ciolpan
06 Oct 2024
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