Phoenix : ArgumentError - invalid type
Phoenix schema: ArgumentError - invalid or unknown type :text for field
:text can be used in migrations, but not when describing the schema in the model. Use :string instead.
Phoenix schema: ArgumentError - invalid or unknown type :text for field
:text can be used in migrations, but not when describing the schema in the model. Use :string instead.
If you ever seen this in the wild:
{:ok, assign(socket,
%{my_variable: @my_variable
my_other_variable: nil.
yet_another_variable: nil
Remember that applying elixir's pipe operator makes everything better:
def mount(_session, socket) do
socket =
|> assign(:my_variable, @my_variable)
|> assign(:my_other_variable, nil)
|> assign(:yet_another_variable, nil)
{:ok, socket}
While reading Dave Thomas's book, Programming Elixir, I stumbled upon an exercise.
You're supposed to write a flatten(list) function that takes a list as a parameter. That list may contain any number of sublists, which themselves may contain sublists ... Your function should return all the elements of these lists in a single flattened list, all the while preserving the order of the elements.
In the beginning, it sounded a bit hard (especially since he mentioned in the book that the exercise it's hard), but after enough playing with the idea, I got to a fairly simple solution, simpler than what I thought it would be and the solutions I've found so far on the internet.
The result should look something like this:
iex> MyList.flatten([ 1, [ 2, 3, [4] ], 5, [[[6]]]])
Now the function:
defmodule MyList do
def flatten([]), do: []
def flatten([head | tail]) when is_list(head) do
flatten(flatten(head) ++ tail)
def flatten([head | tail]), do: [head | flatten(tail)]
At first I thought it wouldn't work, but tested it and got surprised.
The flatten function takes care of 3 cases:
What I was trying to achieve, was to get a person's date of birth from a date_input and calculate the age of that particular person. The problem was that the input was giving back a string like "yyyy-mm-dd" with the date, while I needed a date sigil of the form ~D[yyyy-mm-dd] to use with the diff/2
IO.inspect(date_of_birth) "1978-06-11"
So I learned that you can use the from_iso8601!/1 function to parse the date from a string to an Elixir Date sigil.
IO.inspect(Date.from_iso8601!(date_of_birth)) ~D[1978-06-11]
def calculate_age(date_of_birth) do
|> Date.from_iso8601!()
|> calculate_date_diff()
|> div(365)
defp calculate_date_diff(date) do
Date.diff(Date.utc_today(), date)
Why the private calculate_date_diff() function? Because the Date.diff() takes the oldest date as its second parameter, while using the Elixir pipeline adds the previous functions's result as a first parameter to the next function.
Imagine for a second this is something you're using a lot when programming Elixir and Phoenix:
from u in User,
where: fragment("lower(?)", == ^email
You can write your own Elixir macro to improve your flow.
defmacro lower(arg) do
quote do: fragment("lower(?)", unquote(arg))
Then your query can be rewritten like this:
from u in User,
where: lower( == ^email