
Today I Learned

Currying in JavaScript

No, this has nothing to do with those delicious Indian curry dishes you might be thinking about, but with a functional technique used in JavaScript.

It seems confusing at first, but currying is simple. If you've never heard of it before, it's because this concept isn't native to JS.

Basically, it allows you to transform a function like f(a, b, c) into something like f(a)(b)(c). What that means is that you can split up a function with multiple arguments into a sequence of functions with one argument each.

Let's take a basic example.

const newUser = function(name, age, skill) {
  return {
newUser("John", 27, "JS")

Now to the curry part:

const newUser = function(name) {
  return function(age) {
    return function(skill) {
      return {

Add in some arrow functions and voila:

const newUser = 
  name => 
    age => 
      skill =>

The purpose of all this you might ask?

Think about situations when you don't have the complete data available in the beginning and you still need your function to gradually pass through your app and receive its arguments step by step as more and more data is arriving, until you add the final argument and receive the output.

How to validate your password with regex

Example password validation regex

  • rules below can be concatenated

Special character matching

  • Matches (operator is ?=) any string that has at least a special character e.g.: sadsds@asdasd

Number matching

  • Matches (operator is ?=) any string that has at least a number: e.g.: s1adsdsasdasd

Small letter matching

  • Matches (operator is ?=) any string that has at least a small letter: e.g.: SADSa

Big letter matching

  • Matches (operator is ?=) any string that has at least a big letter: e.g.: SADSa

Consecutive numbers matching

  • Doesn't match (operator is ?!) strings that have consecutive numbers in them: e.g.: asdasd42dada

Sequential numbers matching (cannot be used at the same time with previous rule)

  • Doesn't match (operator is ?!) strings that have sequential numbers in them: e.g.: 12asdasd42dada
  • It will allow numbers that are separated by other letters e.g.: adasd1asd2asd3
  • It will allow consecutive numbers e.g.: ahadADS22dhsg44

Length of string matching (should be placed last)

  • This will match any string that is less than 8 characters

You can write better jQuery - A DRY approach

From this
    buttonClass: 'btn btn-default',
    buttonWidth: '100%',
    buttonClass: 'btn btn-default',
    buttonWidth: '100%',
    nonSelectedText: '---',
To This
<select class="js-multiselect" 
$('.js-multi-select).each(function () {
	let options = {};
		.map(property => options[property[0]] = property[1]);


And never go back for adjustments in the script file ever again.

Modifying .times built-in objects in JavaScript

Never modify JavaScript's standard built-in objects. That's what they say.

But you're at this hackathon stuck with JS missing Ruby's .times iterator and that's what JS's prototypes are for after all.

Here's how you do it:

String.prototype.times = function (n) {
    for (var i = 0; i < parseInt(this); i++) {
var myFunc = function () { console.log('Hello World') }


"Hello World"
"Hello World"